15 Minute Manifestation Review

I was not able to find a single legit review of 15-minute manifestation program when I was thinking of buying this product and so there was no way for me to know if it is a scam beforehand.
But unlike me, you will make your buying decision after knowing the truth about this product because you are reading a user review of it here.
Whenever I come across a new personal development product, I get a slight idea of what I will be getting if I buy the program but in this case, I was totally confused.
Few audio tracks that take your mind to theta frequency and reprograms it to think in a way that manifestation happens naturally, it is like saying you go to a magician and he gives you a magic wand…wooooo..and you become Harry Potter..sounds exactly like that doesn’t it?
How in the world can some sounds make you very good in achieving whatever you want from your life? I will try to answer it based on what I feel about this whole thing.
In truth, I reached to a conclusion that 15-minute manifestation program is a scam but my opinion changed after I tried the product, I will explain it to you later.

The Easiest Personal Development Program

I must say this was the easiest personal development program or the law of attraction product I have ever seen also one with the least number of materials, it is a complete lazy person stuff.
All you have to do is listen to these audio tracks just for 15 minutes each day for three weeks.
Any person in the world will doubt this product because it really is weird, so is what I thought but I liked the audios because they were like a daily reminder for me to perform all the law of attraction activities that I usually forget to do.
The program also made me use the creative visualization technique more frequently than what I was doing due to my busy schedule.

Inside the Package

I don’t have much to tell about what you are going to get in this program because you will be getting only 4 audios in this product, in which three audios are the part of the main program whereas the fourth one is a bonus.
The 3 main audio tracks that you will get in the 15-minute manifestation program are:-
Your Natural State – This particular audio is for altering limiting beliefs present in your inner mind that makes manifestation difficult for you.
It helps you to build an abundance mindset, in a way it is for programming your mind the way it was when you were born.
Your New Story – The audio lets you create a new story for yourself, you will learn that you can view your past differently from how it appears to you right now and change your story so that you could enjoy your present moment even more.
A short visualization is also included in this session.
Moving Towards Abundance– In this audio, you will learn how the law of attraction works, you will also get to know about the signs that tell you that LOA is working. In this session, you will be doing a short visualization related to what your desire.
Deep Sleep Now Bonus – Unlike the other audios this one is 30 minutes long, this is a beautiful guided meditation like audio that will help you sleep better.

My Experience with the Program

I was about to write a negative review in the first week because I was not able to understand how this stuff even works.
If you have any preconceived notion about this product then let me tell you, it is not a subliminal audio or a hypnosis-based one, it is something different from whatever I have ever tried before.
But I used it for exact 21 days regularly and I am happy that I did because even in the second week I was not that positive about the program.
Basically, the audios are like hypnosis audios with a lady’s voice speaking and relaxing music being played in the background. Though I am a bit against the brainwave entrainment, I liked this product because binaural beats didn’t annoy me like they usually do.
In the program, the voice does not say affirmation or something, instead it speaks to you directly about various things, so I guess you need to stay aware and listen to it, I liked what I learned from it but listening to the same story each day was boring so honestly, I was not able to focus on what was being said most of the time, I wonder if that was for my subconscious mind and whether it really mattered if I actively listened to what was being said.
I loved two things a lot about this program, one is a balloon exercise where you learn how to stop your negative mind chatter and the other was about changing your past, both were from the second audio “Your New Story”.
It was not too difficult for me to give 15-minutes daily, so I preferred doing it before I went to sleep.
There is a Deep Sleep Now audio, it is a beautiful hypnosis like audio listening to which I dozed off for a while but I only tried it once.
My experience with this program has been interesting, as I said before, I liked the program but I did not get a huge reason to recommend this product on this blog for about two weeks but in the third week a few things happened that really made my opinion change.
First of all, my online business’ sales touched the highest mark this month. That alone was enough for me to be satisfied with the product but apart from this, I have received some great project ideas and I am seeing a few things that I can do for the betterment of my blog which I was totally missing earlier.
That could be a coincidence, but I have crossed my previous highest sales mark after about 2 years so I won’t really think twice before trying it for another 21 days in the future.
As you know, my final advice for you will be to try it before you decide anything and please do regularly follow the program for three weeks if you are going to download these audios.

Update – Changes in the Product

I was receiving a few emails and comments where people reported that there is neither any voice over in their program nor any visualization as I have mentioned in this post.
So I dropped an email to the makers asking for the clarifications and here’s their reply regarding the change:-
“Yes, we have updated the program to a subliminal version where the voice over is not audible to the conscious mind.
The voice will, however, still be heard by the subconscious mind, as it is embedded in the subliminal layer.
This update was done after receiving feedback from users, as well as findings that the subliminal version works better; because there is no interference from the conscious mind, that might resist changes”
So unlike the program that I used, this updated one is just plain sounds with no efforts required from your side, that is more convenient because you don’t have to stay conscious while listening to the audio.
Though I am not certain about whether these changes are making the product better or not because I have not tried the new one, but since they have updated the product based on the feedbacks received, probably their subliminal audios work better.
I have a lot of awesome personal development programs with me, I tried this one just for writing a user review, I will be very happy to know if you liked the content, so please do comment and inform me how you feel about this post. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can also use your secondary email id for commenting)
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15 Minute Manifestation


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15 Minute Manifestation Review
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15 Minute Manifestation Review 15 Minute Manifestation Review Reviewed by admin on 1:14:00 Rating: 5
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